There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding birth mothers. Today, we’ll talk about the truth of what a birth mother is and focus on their strength. 

What it Really Means to be a Birth Mother…

The decision to give birth is not always an easy one. In making it, the birth mother had to think long and hard about whether or not she would be able to give the child the best chance at a promising future. Placing the baby up for adoption is generally a selfless act of love. The birth mother usually goes through a lengthy process of picking the family that she feels is the best option that will love, cherish, and support the child. She wants to be sure that she is providing the best chance for a stable and secure upbringing that her child can thrive in.

Sadly, this isn’t always how birth mothers are viewed. But we don’t have to accept this. We can rewrite the narrative and spread the word that birth mothers are strong, loving, and courageous. The decisions that they have to make take so much strength and thoughtfulness. 

To birth mothers: You are not alone. We see you, we hear you, and we are here for you. We understand this is not an easy decision, We understand the emotions continue after birth and placement. We know you don’t only need support during your pregnancy and delivery, but that need for support continues long after. We are here for you and would love the opportunity to support and love on you through this journey.

No matter what route you choose for your adoption journey, Connected by Love Adoptions wants you to feel supported and safe. We’re here for you 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for questions. Call us today at (321)355-2010 for more information.