Developing Your Adoption Birth Plan

Developing Your Adoption Birth Plan

Deciding to place your baby for adoption, or as many birth mothers call it “give up your baby” for adoption, is a very selfless and incredibly hard decision to make. We first want to commend you for taking the steps necessary to have your baby and yourself taken care...
Avoiding Adoption Scams

Avoiding Adoption Scams

Sadly, adoption scams are a reality, and if you do not have the proper education or a knowledgeable advocate, you could easily become a victim to an adoption scam. There are a few ways a “birth-parent” can con a hopeful adoptive parent, but the result is always the...
3 Types of Adoption

3 Types of Adoption

Adoption is a beautiful journey, it can be the path for some mothers who chose to place instead of parent.  It can be the path for many who struggle with infertility, same-sex couples, or couples who face high-risk with pregnancy.  It can also be a path chosen purely...
Selecting An Adoptive Family

Selecting An Adoptive Family

*I want to preface all of the following text with this- we use the term “give up your baby” often on this blog. I want to note that this is not our preferred term. Our staff refers to it as “lovingly placing your baby for adoption”. It is a loving selfless decision,...